Who We Are

Our Vision is to be a Holy Spirit-led church, faithful to God’s word, reaching people for Jesus Christ and equipping them for ministry.

Our Values

We Value God's Word!

O BIBLE!  It cannot be said of any other book, that
it is perfect and pure;  but of Thee we can declare all wisdom is gathered up in Thee, without a particle of folly. 

C. H. Spurgeon

We Value a true relationship with Jesus!

Love of Jesus is the basis of all true piety, and the intensity of this love will ever be the measure of our zeal for His glory.  Let us love Him with all our hearts, and then diligent labor, and consistent living will be sure to follow.

C.H. Spurgeon

We value God's people!

The path of God’s love leaves us overflowing. It is only natural, then, that the comfort we received from Christ will overflow into the lives of other people. Our goal is to love people more than need them. We are overflowing pitchers, not leaky cups.

Edward T. Welch

We Value God's Ministry!

One of the principal rules of religion is, to lose no occasion of serving God. And, since he is invisible to our eyes, we are to serve him in our neighbour; which he receives as if done to himself in person, standing visibly before us.

John Wesley

Our Partners

The (SLBA) Salt Lake Baptist Association is a group of churches in and around the Salt Lake area who voluntarily choose to work together to expand the Gospel of Christ and to do ministry together that we may not be able to do on our own. To learn more about the Salt Lake Baptist Association click here.

The (UISBC) Utah/Idaho Southern Baptist Convention is churches who voluntarily work together to provide, training, resources, and support to each other as well as work together in mission endeavors. To learn more about the UISBC click here.

Our two national and international partners are the North American Mission Board (NAMB) and The International Mission Board (IMB). Trough gifts to NAMB and IMB we support mission efforts, church planting and 3667 International Missionaries, and 5262 Missionaries in North America. Through NAMB we are also a very involved part of Southern Baptist Disaster Relief. To learn more about these two partners click NAMB for the North American Mission Board and IMB for the International Mission Board.